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Asset-Based Community Development - Open Course September 2024

This course is for professionals working in citizen space (community-facing practitioners) from a broad range of disciplines including community development, health, social work, policing, economic development, housing, sports and local government, to name but a few. It is for individuals and organisations who want to deepen their community-centred practices. It brings together the key concepts and tools of ABCD using a combination of videos and other resource materials on our e-learning platform and eight interactive Zoom sessions (90 minutes per session).

The course will take place on the following dates:
9th, 16th, 23rd, 30th September 2024
7th, 14th, 21st October 2024
11th November 2024
Time: All sessions 11:30 am -1.00 pm (UK Time)

You can enrol using the link below or alternatively, if you require an invoice or wish to book more than one place, please email Kasia at There is a £10.00 surcharge for issuing an invoice.
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Here’s a short video of Cormac Russell of Nurture Development, who developed this course, giving you an overview of what to expect.
Write your awesome label here.

Getting Ready for your Course

Read | Watch | Discuss | Reflect | Apply

This course combines self-directed learning and facilitated interactive Zoom sessions with your trainer. The e-learning platform is an important element of this course and allows you to come prepared and ready to contribute to each module's Zoom session. Spend time reading and watching the module resources and the interactive sessions will be more beneficial and enjoyable.

The reflections and assignments are completed at the end of each module.
Complete the 'Test your Learning' section at the end of each module in order to get your Certificate of Completion.
Enjoy the course!

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Empty space, drag to resize

Zoom Sessions - please add these to you Calendar


Cormac Russell

Cormac is a social explorer, an author and a much sought-after speaker.
He is the Founding Director of Nurture Development and a member of the Asset-Based Community Development (ABCD) Institute, at DePaul University, Chicago.

Over the last 25 years, Cormac’s work has demonstrated an enduring impact in 35 countries around the world. He has trained communities, agencies, NGOs and governments in ABCD and other community-based approaches in Africa, Asia, Australia/Oceania, Europe and North America.

His most recent books are The Connected Community- Discovering the Health, Wealth, and Power of Neighborhoods (Coauthor John McKnight); Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 2022, and Rekindling Democracy – A Professional’s Guide to Working in Citizen Space; Cascade Books, 2020.

Cormac’s TEDx talk can be viewed here